Our Spa

Where You Get Your Paws Wet
K9 Aquatics is located in a private residential setting in the city of Sammamish, WA.


The Spa House
The canine swim spa is enclosed in a 19′ x 49′ Garden Prairie glass enclosure. With 8 roof panels that open and sliding glass doors all the way around, the environment is comfortable all year long!

Canine Warm Water Swim Spa
Our canine swim spa has been custom built for us by Bradford Products in North Carolina. It has been specifically designed for canine warm water therapy. It is the first of it’s kind! It measures 8′ x 20′ and is constructed of stainless steel and tile. The tile is formulated to make the entry into the pool as safe as possible for both canines and humans. Our canine swim spa has an adjustable swim current system similar to those used by humans. We use an ozonator, a UV sanitizer and a low level of bromine to sanitize the water. Frequent water testing ensures that the water is safe for all.